HPE CodeWars is a big competition for computer science club members. Members compete with other teams for 3 hours to try and gain the most points possible.
“The hardest part really is the time management towards the end. Of course, the problems got hard, but a big thing was just managing our time as the problems got harder and longer to do,” Kavan Abayanayaka said.
Every team is given the same 30 problems during the competition that increase exponentially. This and the early competition times caused more issues for teams.
“I’d say the hardest part is just like actually getting in the mindset to problem solve and getting up in the morning for the contest. It was pretty fun, though,” Jacob Acero said.
Some members of the club hold different experiences from the event and express their diverse feelings about their team.
“It was alright, we could’ve done better and kinda stayed on task and finished the problems we were supposed to,” Acero said.
“The event went pretty well. My team did a lot better. Well I had a different team last year, but we did a lot better this year than last time,” Abayanayaka said.
CodeWars is a good opportunity for computer science students to test their skills and improve.
“I definitely think that CodeWars is a good opportunity for computer science students. It’s a fun opportunity, and it’s a chance for them to apply what they know and compete with other schools in the district,” Bradlee Crockett said.
“Yeah I think it’s fun. And, you know, you get free food and you can build your skills at it and it’s fun. It’s not super important that you win,” Abayanayaka said.