Netflix recently released the trailer for one of its upcoming miniseries, Wormwood. It will entail six parts, following a true story, the journey of Eric Olson trying to uncover the truth behind his father’s...
As the month of October continues, a great way to get in the spooky spirit is to whip up some delightfully dark treats to snack on before Hallow’s Eve. For beginners and those who lack creativity, the...
Blade Runner 2049 exudes style as it burns slowly. Director Denis Villeneuve’s vision assembles a film that functions like a counter argument to genre movies of today. This defiance, while meaningful...
After the release of the newest Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer, the hype for the movie has raised significantly.
The trailer starts by showing shots of the empire and their multitude of weapons and...
What kind of articles of clothing do you like to wear frequently?
Dresses. I am a big fan of dresses because it is one piece so it is easy and when I buy clothes I think about travel. It is like the...
Despite the sweltering weather of late, I still feel the same sensation as I have in previous years of brisk wind and a rainbow of leaves. I know what you’re thinking we’ve all experienced fall before;...
I know the ludicrous fanbase turns a lot of people away, but this latest season of Rick and Morty deserves so much recognition.
There have been multiple stand-out episodes, including, but definitely...
Bungie’s newest venture, Destiny 2, is a great sequel to the already great Destiny series. While the game is very reminiscent of the first game in the series, it still maintains itself as its own game.
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