YOUNG: Destiny 2 stays true to its roots

September 25, 2017
Bungie’s newest venture, Destiny 2, is a great sequel to the already great Destiny series. While the game is very reminiscent of the first game in the series, it still maintains itself as its own game.
I put too many hours into the original Destiny game than any person should, so I know the first game very well. The sequel has many features that the original game had but it would be hard, due to the unique nature of the game, to integrate new features without the game being completely different.
The game opens with the tower being assaulted by the Cabal, one of the multiple species of enemies in the game, and all of the guardians of the tower rallying a defense of the tower
This storyline makes the entire campaign feel like a redemption story instead of just a shooting gallery with little resemblance of a storyline like the first game was.
This defined story is partially good because, while it does have a very distinct storyline and gives some sort story progression while completing missions, it leaves out the small lore details that the last game was full of.
The mission style is very confusing. The missions, unlike Destiny’s predecessor, which had very defined missions, put an emphasis on open world activities. Public events and patrol missions, which are another way of getting new equipment are fun at first, but become repetitive once you complete the same activities more than once.
The missions, which were few and far between, had me waiting to do them since most of them had a level requirement. This left you had to grind out levels from public events and patrol mission that have no story importance.
The player versus player game mode called “Crucible” is more fun than the original “Crucible”. This may be because it takes less skill and seems much more balanced.Competitive Crucible, called Trials of the Nine, instead of the name Trials of Osiris that was used in the previous game, was integrated far earlier than in Destiny. This mode being integrated so early also gives more incentive to get better gear and acts as a good activity in the game once you complete the campaign.
For some reason this game seems very rushed. This could be because this game came out only a couple of months after the last expansion for the first game came out, and they had trouble working on both things or they just want to be able to squeeze money out of players for expansions that add new content.
The amount of Strikes (team missions) and Crucible maps is very little, leading to the assumption that they will add more later.
Now despite my gripe the small amount of main activities, Destiny 2 has no shortage of stuff to do. The addition of Adventures, Lost Sectors and World Quests which all give new gear, add a good sense of things to do which the first game didn’t have.
Destiny 2 is a great game that adds lots of new features, but it still keeps true to its roots with the original Destiny.