ROAR period should be a time of endless possibilities for students to learn and grow in any of their enrolled classes. Except those possibilities do have an end. They end when it’s not that class’s assigned day of the week.
The ROAR period used to be a time when students could choose any class for 30 minutes to catch up on work or ask their teachers questions. There were no limitations on when or where a student could spend their ROAR period, as long as the class they chose was one they were enrolled in.
However, two years ago this policy was changed. Roseville High School shifted ROAR to follow a schedule, where each day of the week corresponded to a specific period that students had to attend. Monday being first period, Tuesday being second, Thursday being third, and Friday being fourth period. This change took the choice away from the students, forcing them to attend whichever period was assigned for that day.
I, and many other students, believe that this change does not help students at all. In fact, it actively limits the ability of students to complete work and grow their knowledge. Because students can’t choose which class to go to, they are unable to receive help from specific teachers until their day of the week. With students being unable to get help, they will continue to complete assignments incorrectly or not even complete them at all.
This limitation also applies to things such as test makeups. If a student is absent on a test day, teachers usually schedule a test makeup during the next ROAR period. This didn’t used to be a problem, as any students available could just take it the next day. However, with ROAR periods being assigned, this could lead to students having to wait upwards of a week to take that test.
This is problematic for students as they have to try to remember and study for that test they missed, while simultaneously learning the next unit in the class. This adds stress to the student and most likely causes their test score to be lower than if they had been able to take the test during the closest ROAR period.
Something else that was removed when these changes were made that made me and many others the most upset was the complete removal of common areas. If a student was passing all of their classes they could choose to attend a common area such as the theater, library, or cafeteria.
This gave students an opportunity to complete work in any environment they choose, giving another option for students who would rather not spend class time in one of their enrolled classes. It also gave students an opportunity to see their friends or meet up with other classmates. This was beneficial to students, because if students didn’t have any classes or lunch with their friends, common areas were their only opportunity to see them.
The removal of these areas completely ridded the students of this opportunity, due to some students that abused the common areas. They punished the majority for the actions of a small minority, and took away a large portion of student freedom as a result.
Even if the ROAR system for classes remains unchanged, common areas need to be brought back. In order to control misbehaving students, do a grade check before allowing them into the common area of their choosing. Give students a choice. Give back student freedom.