As the school year begins, Girls Flag Football is kicking off their first season ever. With a few weeks of preseason practices and non-league games, the girls have been working hard to prepare for their first league game on September 4. Although low participation numbers and late training has created minor setbacks, team captain, Hudson Ropke, believes the team has come off to a good start and is looking forward to team improvements.
“A lot of the teams are really good and I feel like we’re doing okay for only practicing for like three weeks. A lot of other teams have been practicing from spring of last year, so they’ve been doing really well, but I think we’re going to do pretty good once the season starts and once we get more in-game understanding.”
Although, Running Back and Wide Receiver Karissa Avila finds having less girls an advantage for individual skills to develop.
“Having less, I feel like is pretty good because it’s more reps and not having to repeat yourself multiple times for 30 girls.”
Assistant coach and Principal Ms. Clark took the opportunity to learn more about the sport as well. Clark has been working with the girls and developing not only their skills, but also a community being part of something new.
“And also I like the fact that the young women are breaking into a sport that is traditionally male
and I like seeing them out there and being empowered. They’re beasts on the field.”