This year RHS is bringing the Tiger Cage to the next level. With the new introduction of five leaders, they plan to bring more energy and excitement to the Tiger Cage.
“I think the five leaders will bring more hype. I liked that there was two, but I think the five is just…it will be a big group, I think you know we will have fun, we can come up with more cheers and stuff and so I think it will be a lot more fun.” said Carli Olmstead
Olmstead is confident that because her and the other leaders are friends, that they should bring good chemistry to the games.
“Yeah we all know each other so like I think we will be good and you know, we are all hype people.” expressed Olmstead
After the first game, Tiger Cage Leader Carsyn Casey is glad that there are more leaders this year as it creates a better environment in the stands for the students.
“I thought we worked together really well, because we could talk about like what chants to do, and like together we have a much louder voice than like one or two people which is like what a Tiger Cage usually is. So this year we are bringing in more people to get the Tiger Cage louder, and I think it honestly worked out really well.” said Casey
Senior, Jayden Eid, is thrilled to experience the Tiger Cage with his friends for one last time.
“I think it went great, I think we had a good show out for our first away game and I’m really excited for the year to come.” said Eid.