In part one of a two part investigative report, Eye of the Tiger previews how the new model will enforce positive strategies to address behavioral concerns. Part two explores the effect the new practice...
This article is the second of a two-part series on AP curriculum.
Click here for the first article, published October 8th.
(‘As AP evolves it still has supporters, critics,’ C. Townsend).
As part of the RJUHSD’s general goal to ensure equity in student achievement and academic performance, the district has taken steps standardize and more closely unifying class curriculum through department...
Creative Writing Clubs Uproar is looking for student writing, poetry, and artwork.
According to Creative Writing teacher Jamie Handling, the UPROAR Literary Magazine is open to short stories, poetry,...
A dual enrollment Project Lead The Way Engineering class may be available for Roseville High School students to take in the near future.
Dual enrollment classes act as the equivalent of a college course...
College finance classes will be held on campus on November 8. The classes will be held in the cafeteria from 6-8 p.m.
College and career technician Jacqueline Seider encourages students to come and...
The guitar program on RHS recently received new guitar racks. Guitar teacher Austin Gaessar worked with principal David Byrd to attain the funds; purchased from the Wenger Corporation, the new racks cost...
Student currently enrolled in Project Lead the Way BioMed, could receive honors credits for this semester.
According to PLTW teacher, Erin Granucci, plans are currently in consideration to allow PLTW...
Junior Kristen Mckibben rides her bike to school with her brother on a daily basis. Within a two year period, Mckibben has received two flat tires due to thorns and burs located near the bike racks.
Last edition, Eye of the Tiger covered Senate Bill SB-328 - the start time bill that, if signed, would have required middle schools and high schools in California to move start times to 8:30 a.m. or later....
As part of a two part investigative report Eye of the Tiger looks into the pros and cons of pushing AP courses. Part one examines the benefits AP courses can offer students. Part two will explore some...
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