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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

CILT revises grading policy

WAFEEQ RIDHUAN October 2, 2017

Following a Continuous Improvement Leadership Team (CILT) meeting, the Roseville Joint Union High School District CILT has released a revised grading policy and grading guidelines book, both of which are...


Districts vary on PE graduation requirements

BRIAN NUEVO October 2, 2017

Student athletes in RJUHSD are required to take two years of PE for graduation. However, other school districts in California offer Athletic Prep PE for in season athletes, allowing them to forgo PE while...

Art teacher Allison Lawson teaches her Art 1 class. She will fill in as photography teacher full-time next quarter. (SINO OULAD DAOUD/EYE OF THE TIGER)

Photo, art departments under new leadership

NICK JOHNSON October 2, 2017

Roseville High School held an interview for a teacher to replace current Art 1 teacher,  Allison Lawson last Tuesday. The committee came to decision for the new hire. (Eye of the Tiger is withholding...

AVID teachers attend college conferences

AVID teachers attend college conferences

COOPER BADDLEY October 2, 2017

Last week Avid teachers went to the annual UC conference to learn about admissions and applying from the past years. According to AVID 10 teacher Kelly Capell, teachers are focused on getting students...


CAASPP on transcripts, colleges won’t consider

KAIA WHITNEY October 2, 2017

The EAP, or the Early Assessment Program test which was taken by Roseville students every year before last, always had apparent scores on the students transcripts. The California Assessment of Student...


FBLA takes on two new advisers after Volk retires

COOPER BADDLEY October 2, 2017

English teachers Kelly Capell and Amy Shishido have taken over the Future Business Leaders of America club after the retirement of the club’s former adviser Ron Volk. Both teachers are focusing on not...

RJUHSD to not weight CC credit

RJUHSD to not weight CC credit

COOPER BADDLEY October 2, 2017

Students will no longer receive weighted credit for enrollment in community college courses or any other classes taken outside of the district per new Board policy 5121.1. These classes can still be taken...

Statewide start time bill fails

Statewide start time bill fails

SINO OULAD DAOUD October 2, 2017

Senate Bill 328 failed in the CA State Assembly Floor vote on Thurs. Sept. 14. Previously, the bill that would force all CA public and charter schools to adopt start times no earlier than 8:30 had passed...

FULL VIDEO INTERVIEW AND TRANSCRIPT: Jess Borjon discusses grading policy revisions and new grading guidelines

October 1, 2017

On September 28, 2017, Eye of the Tiger sat down with Roseville Joint Union High School District assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction Jess Borjon to discuss his leading efforts in revising...

GALLERY: Tigers lose 40-0 in Homecoming game against Del Campo

GALLERY: Tigers lose 40-0 in Homecoming game against Del Campo

STAFF REPORT September 25, 2017

In their Homecoming game, the varsity football team lost 40-0 against Del Campo Cougars. During the halftime show, Student Government set off fireworks to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of Roseville's...


GALLERY: Campus, community rallies for 100th anniversary of Homecoming

STAFF REPORT September 22, 2017

Today marks Roseville High School's 100th anniversary of the school's first Homecoming. Students, staff and community members participated in a parade to celebrate. Homecoming court, consisting of...


Colleges visit RHS, WHS hosts annual College Fair

ALEXANDRIA SUBA September 21, 2017

College representatives visited RJUHSD this week at events held for students at Roseville High School as well as Woodcreek High. Roseville students, families and staff visited WHS last night to sample...

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