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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Vape rates triple from this time last school year

DANIELLE BENNETT February 22, 2019

As of this school year, RHS’ rates for students caught vaping on campus are up nearly three times, in keeping with a national increase in vaping among teenagers in particular. According to RHS principal...

GoGuardian monitoring divides students, teachers

JULIE NGUYEN February 19, 2019

With the transition towards a more technologically-based curriculum at Roseville High School, RHS sought the aid of GoGuardian, an artificial intelligence monitoring and filtering system. GoGuardian...

According to director of transportation Julie Guererro, RJUHSD is currently in the process of replacing district bus cameras and hiring more bus drivers.

District combats driver shortage, security concerns

JARED HUBER February 12, 2019

The district is currently replacing 22 new cameras on busses in order to address safety issues caused by having an outdated security system. According to director of transportation, Julie Guererro,...

Effective next school year, the NGSS pathway will shift the science outline to follow a Biology, Physics, then Chemistry path.
Science teacher CJ Addington is currently the only teacher at RHS with the credentials to teach Physics.

Physics replaces Chemistry in pathway


Beginning next year, RJUHSD will begin implementing a restructured science pathway. While students will still start off with biology as per the current pathway, during their sophomore year they will take...

New teacher, new class

AJ WELKER February 1, 2019

This coming fall, drama teacher Jennifer Saigeon will be introducing a new exploratory theatre class for her students. “There’s so many students right now who are interested in doing their own...

BRIEF: RHS hosts annual EdTechTeam Summit

DANIELLE BENNETT January 23, 2019

Over the weekend, RHS’s campus hosted the annual EdTechTeam Summit, where teachers in  RJUHSD and districts throughout the area came to learn about new teaching tools and techniques from Google-certified...

BRIEF: College and Career Center begins featuring scholarships daily

RILEIGH SHULL January 22, 2019

At the beginning of this term, the College and Career Center began including a segment in the daily bulletin for a new scholarship every day. According to college and career technician Jacqueline Seider,...

BRIEF: Junior Prom date moved forward

RILEIGH SHULL January 22, 2019

The Junior Prom date that was first scheduled over spring break has been moved forward to March 23 as of last Thursday. Junior President Mallory Magorka believes the date change is beneficial due to...

Berry Street parking lot receives additional spots

RYLEY METTEN January 18, 2019

Over winter break, 21 parking spaces, along with an extra 25 foot extension of the parallel parking area were added to the Berry Street parking lot. Four storage units and three buses were relocated...

BRIEF: AP Information Night encourages parents, students to take the first step

BRIEF: AP Information Night encourages parents, students to take the first step


Parents, teachers and students gathered last night for AP Information Night led by AP Coordinator Cari Oberreuter and AP Club President Kaitlyn Ang. Multiple AP teachers across a variety of subjects...

Yesterday was RHS' third annual career fair.

Sophomores, seniors attend 3rd annual Career Fair

LIZZIE PELZMAN January 12, 2019

(LIZZIE PELZMAN / EYE OF THE TIGER) Yesterday, RHS hosted its third annual career fair for sophomores and seniors to gain exposure to various career pathways. Both students participating...

Junior AP student Emily Sullivan takes an AP practice exam in Jamie Handling's AP Language & Composition class.

AP exam registration deadline set to change


Next school year, College Board will move the AP test registration deadline from March 2020 to November 2019. The district plans to meet with a College Board representative next semester to discuss how...

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