Must-binge shows for the COVID-19 break
Four weeks, no movie theaters, no restaurants, no place to hang out. Although this quarantine may seem like a spring break fail, there is one plus side to all of this: an abundance of time to binge everything we couldn’t before. There are a plethora of things to check out during this break, all from the relative safety of your room.

Going with recent releases first, the third season of the Netflix original On My Block released and it is as good, if not better than the previous two seasons. The third season still holds on to the goofy tone of the previous seasons, yet still has the serious moments that make the show just as good as it is. I have little to complain about with any of the seasons of On My Block so far and this season is definitely no different. It might be one of Netflix’s best original shows at the moment, so if you have yet to see it, I highly recommend giving it a watch.

The sixth and final season of the Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek is airing currently and it is a great show to watch. The show features many iconic one-liners that make this show a definite must-watch. The show takes comedy to another level, poking fun at the entitlement that often surrounds the rich. The episodes flow one right after the other, making you underestimate how many episodes you’ve watched. The previous five seasons are on Netflix and are perfect for a long binge sesh.

If you’re looking for something with a little more bulk to it, then I highly recommend the explosively popular anime Naruto, which you can find the original series on Netflix and the sequel series, Naruto Shippuden, on Hulu. While the 700 episodes that make up both series may seem a little overwhelming, the episodes start to fly by the longer the show goes on. Naruto is the perfect anime for people that haven’t watched a lick of it before. In fact, it’s the first show that got me started on anime in the first place. It’s also the best show to snuggle up to while eating some instant ramen, something I’m sure you have considering they are sold out at pretty much every grocery store by this point.

More of a veteran anime watcher looking for something to tide you over while you are waiting for new episodes of your favorite current shows? Then Shinichiro Watanabe’s masterpiece Samurai Champloo is the way to go. Samurai Champloo really highlights Watanabe’s Tarantino-esque directing style and is similar to his other works such as Cowboy Bebop, where music is a big theme. It’s obvious that Watanabe had a lot of fun in creating this show so it really makes for a perfect watch.

In the mood for something a little more wholesome since all of this virus stuff is going around? Bob Ross’s entire Joy of Painting series is completely free to watch on Youtube and offers some of the most wholesome and heartwarming content out there. While I’m sure everyone has seen at least one episode of Bob creating a nice little masterpiece on canvas, I implore you to check out some more episodes that’ll really brighten the mood around the virus.

Looking for a particularly relevant and binge-worthy drama on Netflix? Then the CW show Containment is worth a look. During the mid-to-late 2010s, CW did a wonderful job with their TV shows and this one is no different. Containment couldn’t have a more perfect storyline for right now. The show’s main conflict is based on an epidemic outbreak that forces the city of Atlanta to go into quarantine. The show perfectly blends so many contrasting storylines together, which is a feat in and of itself, but it is cleanly wrapped up in one season (something I consider an even bigger feat).