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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

The Wellness Center opens its doors to student to provide them with emotional support. With MTSS, the Wellness Center will be involved with identifying students who are struggling in ways not reflected in data like GPA and absences.

RJUHSD to implement MTSS goals

JULIE NGUYEN December 17, 2018

Roseville High School is currently in the process of implementing a new student support program, called a Multi-Tiered System of Support. MTSS aims to focus on supporting the whole student in order to...

Carnegie IM2 textbooks sit on the shelf in IM2 teacher Doug Ash’s class. When RJUHSD’s contract with Carnegie expires, the district may look into other options for their IM2 curriculum.

IM curriculum may experience shift

NICOLE KHUDYAKOV December 17, 2018

This article is the second of a two-part series on IM course changes. This part will discuss the possibility of anothercurriculum overhaul for the IM pathway. Click here for the first article, published...

BREAKING: Construction of admin hallway barricade commences

BREAKING: Construction of admin hallway barricade commences

STAFF REPORT December 5, 2018

A glass wall and doors are being installed in the hallway of the administration building. BREAKING: A glass wall and doors are being installed in the hallway of the administration building. Follow...

BRIEF: Tickets for Dancin’ Feat’s Holiday Feat, Feet, Feat now available

CLAIRE TOWNSEND December 5, 2018

Tickets for Roseville High School’s Dancin’ Feat holiday show are now on sale. Senior Dean Fardanesh looks forward to sharing the culmination of their work in a holiday-themed show. “Every...

BRIEF: Senior class officers begin fundraiser for senior activities

DANIELLE BENNETT December 3, 2018

The class officers for the class of 2019 began selling T-shirts featuring a unique new design to raise money for senior activities. Senior class president Emily Nunez worked with her fellow officers and...

BRIEF: Air quality interrupts school events

DANIELLE BENNETT November 29, 2018

Before Thanksgiving break, poor air quality led to the cancellation of school and consequently the rescheduling of several events. Showings for Roseville High School Theater Company’s production...

BRIEF: Student government introduces feedback box

DANIELLE BENNETT November 28, 2018

Student Government has introduced a feedback box in Senior Square, which students can use to share their opinions on events like rallies and spirit days. According to Student Government member Lexi...

BREAKING: School cancelled Friday, November 16

BREAKING: School cancelled Friday, November 16

STAFF REPORT November 15, 2018

According to superintendent of RJUHSD Denise Herrmann, "[RJUHSD has] made the decision to close all Roseville Joint Union High Schools and offices on Friday, November 16," due to air quality concerns. A...

Integrated math teacher Sandra Schmatjen instructs a class of IM2 students. Schmatjen works with her Professional Learning Team to adapt to new course curriculum.

IM coursebook changes frustrate staff

NICOLE KHUDYAKOV November 14, 2018

In June, teachers attending optional training days recieved new, second edition IM1 and 2 coursebooks. This article is the first of a two-part series on how math teachers are making sense of curriculum...

Suspensions down across RJUHSD

CAM MEDRANO November 13, 2018

This article is the second of a two-part series exploring the effect restorative practices will have on RJUHSD students, staff and suspension rates. Click here for the first article, published October...

District moving away from honors

District moving away from honors

JULIE NGUYEN November 13, 2018

In an effort to provide equal opportunity to challenging curriculum for students throughout the district, RJUHSD has started reevaluating honors courses and looking into options outside the honors model....

Over the past two weeks RHS administrators, campus monitors and youth resource officer Kelley have been monitoring traffic exiting the parking lot at the end of Campo Street after student dismissal.

RHS pushes to eliminate wrong-way traffic

JULIE NGUYEN October 30, 2018

Roseville High School staff have started monitoring the Senior Lot after school to prevent students from using the enter lane to exit. Prior, students would often use both lanes to exit the lot in the...

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