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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

RHS bans food deliveries to campus

STAFF REPORT November 17, 2019

Starting next semester, students will no longer be able to have food delivered to RHS. According to assistant principal Jason Wilson, this is because orders present a security concern to students and staff.  “The...

PBIS introduces traveling ROAR store

LANDEN REYNOLDS November 17, 2019

Roseville's Positive Behavior Interventions and Support committee has created a traveling ROAR store to give students easier access to the shop. The mobile cart features the items usually sold at student...

Band claims first in all categories at competition

JULIE NGUYEN November 14, 2019

Last weekend, Roseville High School’s Tiger band and colorguard made a dynamic showing at the Grape Bowl Classic and walked away with an ensemble of awards. The band earned first place overall in their...

Last year's multicultural day. This year's celebration will take place next week.

BRIEF: Multicultural day to take place next week

JULIE NGUYEN October 25, 2019

Roseville High School will host its second annual Multicultural Day on November 1. Last year, the event featured dances, musical performances, food and stands representing different cultures.  While...

Gov. Newsom signs SB-328 mandating later school start times

LIZZIE PELZMAN October 22, 2019

RJUHSD schools will move start times back to 8:30 or later by July 2022. California State Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 328 on Sunday mandating high schools in non-rural communities to start...

District to demolish small gym, build classrooms

LIZZIE PELZMAN October 14, 2019

After construction of the new gym is completed in 2020, RJUHSD plans to demolish the current small gym and build a two-story classroom building in its place, similar to the current 900’s buildings. At...

Students and guests attend Roseville High School's 2019 graduation ceremony, held Friday night on Hanson field. The class of 2020 will graduate the last Friday of May at 11:00 a.m. in the Placer Valley Event Center.

RJUHSD sets graduation times at Placer Valley Event Center

DANIELLE BENNETT October 14, 2019

Roseville High School seniors will graduate at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, May 29 in the Placer Valley Event Center. RJUHSD released the times for each of its five comprehensive sites’ graduations earlier...

Students running the mile at P.E. The girls mile time to receive an A, which was lowered to eight minutes earlier this year, has returned to nine minutes.

BRIEF: P.E. reverses mile time change

NATHAN HANDLING October 14, 2019

The mile time required to receive an A in P..E for girls changed back to nine minutes, after a trial change earlier this year that reduced it to eight minutes.  According to P.E. teacher Greg Granucci,...

Roseville High School's snack bar on Hanson Field. RJUHSD set snack bar and playing field restroom renovations as the top priority item for the use of remaining Measure D funds.

BRIEF: District to renovate snack bar and playing field restrooms

DANIELLE BENNETT October 14, 2019

RJUHSD set renovations for snack bar and playing field restrooms throughout the district as the number one priority construction project at the September 24 board meeting.  The project will use Measure...

Above, the administration building of Buljan Middle School, a feeder school for Roseville High. Students at Buljan will now be graded on a scale of “beginning”, “approaching”, “proficient” and “mastery” rather than a letter-based system.

RCSD eliminates letter grades

NATHAN PIEDAD October 14, 2019

This year, middle schools in the Roseville City School District – the feeder district for many RJUHSD high schools, including Roseville High School – are not employing the traditional grading system...

Credit recovery teacher Michelle Walton works in her fourth period credit recovery class. This year, credit recovery offers more in-class courses for students who want to finish the work during the school day.

Math credit recovery expands options

ISABELLA FULLI October 14, 2019

Roseville High School expanded its math credit recovery this year, offering more in-school credit recovery courses for IM1 and IM2 and introducing for the first time in-school credit recovery for IM3.  Last...

A bust sculpture of William Shakespeare in the John Adams Academy Library

RJUHSD oversight of John Adams Academy underway

MEGAN HUBER September 24, 2019

Back in May, John Adams Academy, a local charter school, petitioned to the Roseville Joint Union High School District, RJUHSD, for oversight as required by California law. The education code outlines that...

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