Senior Marc Aldrete began writing a novel in eighth grade but gave it up when it turned from a story about a young writer to one filled with ghosts and Hitler. He admits he’s always had a “weird”...
Roseville High School drama teacher Ashley White is teaching a musical theater class for the first time this year. Among the many new developments the drama program has been experiencing lately, the introduction...
While some friendships fail to make it past high school, the bond dance teacher Dawn Kenniston and dance director Pilar Steiner cultivated in their school years at Roseville High shows that others only...
While in elementary school, sophomore Laurel Enos had her first experience with the nonprofit organization ReCreate on a girl scout trip. Unbeknownst to her, she would return on multiple occasions and...
Last Friday, science teacher CJ Addington’s Amorphophallus Titanum, better known as a corpse flower, prepared to bloom for the first time in ten years. However, there have been no recent changes in...
Though only attending Roseville High School for two short years, senior Taysia De Mesa can safely say she’s grown fond of the tight-knit community. Deriving from the paradise island of Hawai’i and...
As a multitude of hands came together in a thunderous clap and tears leaked down the faces of those in a packed theater, Ryan Christensen’s mother and father prepared to present a $5,000 scholarship...
Senior Isabelle Bautista documents her vegan lifestyle through her new Instagram account @ib.healthy. According to Bautista, the Instagram page started small.
“I was posting stuff on snapchat,”...
Cooper Baddley
This summer, junior Cooper Baddley will travel across the country to Brown University to take part in a medical summer course titled “A Week in the Life of a Medical Student.”...
Roseville High School seniors Madyson Vaught and Mayse Thao have been cheering the majority of their lives and will continue their passion at the collegiate level at Sonoma and Sacramento State respectively.
Students in Jamie Handling's English Magazine compiled their literary writings in a magazine called 'The Uproar.' The magazine is on-sale in student services for $10.
As countless locks of hair cascaded to the ground with each buzz of the razor, select Roseville High School administrators shaved their heads while thinking about their close co-worker and friend Stephanie...
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