Blue Beetle is a new DC superhero movie that puts family front and center. This story follows recent college grad, Jaime Reyez, and his family after Jaime is accidentally fused with The Scarab, a highly...
The Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley from the 1979 horror classic “Alien” are coming to Dead By Daylight as the newest licensed killer survivor combo. These additions add a nice breath of fresh air for Dead...
Talk To Me is the directorial debut for Danny and Micheal Philippou Better known for their Youtube channel Rakka Rakka. Talk To Me follows a group of friends who use a ceramic hand that allows ghosts to...
Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is considered one of the best games of all time, it's hard to find someone who doesn't at least appreciate something the game does. So when Nintendo announced a sequel...
Marvel is no stranger to creating amazing cinematic masterpieces that instantly become favorites for many audience members. With their amazing comics, comes amazing films such as Spider-man and Infinity...
Evil Dead Rise is definitely one of the bloodiest films I’ve ever seen. This film is a continuation of the 2013 Evil Dead film, but mainly focuses on its own storyline of Beth, played by Lily Sulivan,...
Indiana Jones is one of the most beloved series. It's hard to find anyone who doesn't love Raiders of the Lost Ark and almost all of the other movies in the series are beloved. I grew up loving the franchise...
Despite wanting more, fans have had a good amount of Star Wars games. The Lego games are fun and when it was still receiving updates, Battlefront 2 was phenomenal, but there was one that stood out as the...
It was only a few years ago when Marvel dropped Wandavision, its first limited series on Disney+. The show was a big success and fairly well received by the fans. Marvel followed that with Falcon and the...
Directed by Christopher Nolan, “Oppenheimer” will be released on July 21st. The film follows the story of the American theoretical physicist often known for his work in the “Manhattan Project.”
Barry is a show created by SNL alumni Bill Hader. Starting in 2018, it has quickly become one of the best shows on television. Barry has entered its 4th and final season recently and I couldn't be more...
Around The Fur is Sacremento Natives, the Deftones' 1997, second studio album. “Around The Fur” is an uncomfortable and personal album filled with memorable lyrics from Chino Moreno, harsh guitar,...
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