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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger


RJUHSD executive director of Personnel Services Brad Basham works in his office. Basham said tenure has the ability to impede district disiplinary action.

When tenure interferes

CAM MEDRANO February 6, 2018

In April of last school year, a Woodcreek high school freshman reported incidents of sexual harassment by Health and Safety teacher Doug Mason. As per protocol, RJUHSD assistant superintendent Steve Williams...


Class size variation impacts efficiency

LAUREN JULIN February 6, 2018

Although the student-to-teacher ratio in the Roseville Joint Union High School District is 27.5-1, actual class sizes can vary widely. Some classes like PE, Dance and Student Government often carry over...

Junior Jordan Susbilla sits in Jessica Fork’s AP U.S. History class last Thursday on registration day. Last school year, he took AP Human Geography as a sophomore, opting out of AP European History.

New AP Euro alternative lacks APUSH prep

NICOLE KHUDYAKOV February 6, 2018

Roseville High School requires students take AP European History, World Studies or AP Human Geography as a prerequisite to AP US History. However, some teachers and students have cast recent doubts concerning...


Plans for new auxiliary gym move forward

ALEXANDRIA SUBA February 6, 2018

Plans for Roseville High School’s new auxiliary gym are in the process of being finalized and construction will begin in Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 with a projected opening in January 2020. This project...


GALLERY: Students celebrate 2018 Casaba Rally

STAFF REPORT February 3, 2018

Student Government held the annual Casa Rally yesterday after fourth period. Students gathered in the gym to watch Casaba Court princes and princesses strut accompanied by friends and family. At last night's...

RHS buys access to AP-prep service,

KAIA WHITNEY January 23, 2018

Students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses have recently been informed of the website where they can practice utilizing the skills they have learned in class in order to better prepare themselves...

District installs gate near Independence High School to halt traffic

District installs gate near Independence High School to halt traffic

JOSH REBELLO January 17, 2018

Roseville High School installed a new gate near the side of Independence High School. The intention behind the gate is to deter parents from entering the lot for safety reasons.  Independence High...

La vicepresidente de la Junta de Fideicomisarios de RJUHSD trabaja a finalizar los nuevos límites del distrito. En el pasado trabajó a cambiar los límites cuando AHS abrió en 2008

Boundary lines estimated

WAFEEQ RIDHUAN December 18, 2017

In an update this year, the Roseville Joint Union High School District released potential changes to the district attendance boundary in light of the sixth high school opening. The new high school will...

PLTW Engineering teacher John Fuller works with a student in his Intro to Engineering course last week. Fuller is unable to teach the third course in the current engineering track scheduled for next term due to improper credentialing. (NICK PROVENCAL/EYE OF THE TIGER)

Engineering track halted for students

NICK JOHNSON December 18, 2017

As RHS advances toward a more career-centric curriculum, the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Biomedical Science pathway’s third course will be implemented as planned next term. However, the PLTW Engineering...

Possible locations for future panel installations. Top, Granite Bay High School. Bottom left, Antelope High School. Bottom right, Woodcreek High School.

Solar panel installations slated for GBHS lots

SINO OULAD DAOUD December 18, 2017

RJUHSD drew prices for solar panel installation at Granite Bay, Antelope and Woodcreek High Schools. According to RJUHSD Director of Business Services Joe Landon, the district put out a “request for...

An engineering student works with 3-D printers in John Fuller’s Introduction to Engineering course. The PLTW Engineering program will gain new equipment once approved for new Career Technical Education funding. (TRINITY COMPTON/EYE OF THE TIGER)

PLTW Eng. approved for new funds, equipment

ALEXANDRIA SUBA December 18, 2017

RHS’ Project Lead the Way Engineering classes will receive new technology equipment in the upcoming months after being granted access to new Career Technical Education (CTE) funding. PLTW Engineering...

RHS Band director Matt Koutney conducts at last Wednesday’s winter band performance. Koutney and senior alto-saxophone player Alyssa Abbott believe the addition of section instructors improved performance at shows. (SINO OULAD DAOUD/EYE OF THE TIGER)

RHS to unify band courses next year

DANIELLE BENNETT December 18, 2017

Under second year band director Matt Koutney, the program at RHS is making a couple of significant changes. For one, they will offer a year-long band course next year, as opposed to separate semester-long...

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