The Legend of Zelda game series is primarily developed by Nintendo and is one of the most iconic game series of all time. The series has released some of the most popular games in gaming history. This...
This year DC Comics will be continuing their series of films in the DC cinematic universe with Wonder Woman, and on Saturday they released the “Origins” trailer for the movie to provide a peek into...
I’ll tell you right now: SNSD brought it with this album. My lace-front came clean off.
SNSD, known in the United States by Girls Generation, is a Korean girl group numbering eight strong, due to...
There are a lot of different ways for an album to be “fun” -- there are lots of rock and punk bands that are fun to listen to because they’re full of energy and attitude, and even slower or sadder...
Seven Psychopaths is a dark comedy that crosses the dialogue of Aaron Sorkin and the violent action of Quentin Tarantino to create a movie that is very out of the box and unusual.
The movie was written...
Ed Sheeran continues to impress fans with his wide range of diversity and ability to make seemingly everything sound beautiful no matter the lyrics or tempo. Sheeran released his third album, Divide, on...
Logan sliced its way into theaters recently and it’s the final outing for the beloved actor Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and all I can say is “wow.” Logan left me speechless.
The movie starts out...
It appears as if Ryan Murphy has topped his ever infamous series American Horror Story with new Feud: Bette and Joan. The saga follows the ‘feud’ between two iconic actresses from the golden age of...
Okay, so get this: Cloverfield….right? But in SPAIN.
[Rec] is shot entirely from the perspective of an off-the-clock cameraman, as he and an accompanying television reporter deal with a contagion...
As a fan and advocate of DC films you can imagine my huge disappointment after the flop that was Suicide Squad. I obviously assumed I was going to have to wait until June for the release of Wonder Woman...
On Dec. 14, 1979, the English punk band The Clash released their third studio album, London Calling. Immediately it was recognized both commercially and critically, garnering positive reviews from nearly...
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