Girls soccer appeals CIF ruling
Conviction overturned in time for playoff run
(NICK PROVENCAL EYE OF THE TIGER) Varsity soccer team coach Paul Stewart addresses his team before their game against Del Campo. The girls team was originally forced to forfeit three games before successfully appealing the ruling.
February 5, 2018
Due to a controversial infringement of a player attending a college ID camp, the varsity girls soccer team was initially forced to forfeit three games that gave the Tigers their first losses of the season. After attempting to repeal the violation, the Tigers had their wins reimbursed, putting them back in first place. Originally, the girls were demoted from first in league to third, jeopardizing their playoff hopes. This could have been a tipping point for the team, but junior Kelsey Gill was optimistic about the team’s comradery and shared goal, which was to make playoffs and make a run for a back-to-back section championship.
“We really came together more to try to get through this and did not point fingers or give blame,” Gill said. “I think we’re a great team that deserves to make playoffs and can win out if we all come together and strive for this, and now we have that opportunity.”
Gill also pointed out how getting the wins back was the best thing that could have happened, due to the fact that they were the only team whose wins were given back.
“The section looked into whether or not the ID camp was legal, and since it was, the best possible outcome occurred and we get our wins back, while the other teams who also had to forfeit games didn’t,” Gill said.
After submitting a repeal, the Tigers’ wins were reimbursed, putting them back into first where they’re currently tied with Cosumnes Oaks. Senior Kendall Sparks was relieved to receive their wins back, and believes it will help the Tigers’ mindset going forward into playoffs and potentially Northern California playoffs.
“Having to forfeit those three games really united us as a team gave us a similar desire to do better, and it really brought us together as teammates,” Sparks said. “Now that we got our wins back, we hope to win league this season, which was our goal from the beginning.”
Sparks also looks forward to the rest of the season, hoping to benefit overall from this whole experience.
“I feel like it can help inspire us in the future when we try to win league and sections,” Sparks said.
The girls varsity team will continue to fight for a top playoff spot, as they are currently tied for first place with a record of 7-1-1. They look to repeat their section championship run and possibly move further this year to regionals.