Admin bans food delivery services



Roseville High School administration banned all commercial food delivery in a new policy starting this school year.

According to administrative assistant Signe Hodge, administration made the decision to ban deliveries because of most students inability to follow the delivery rules leading to disarray in classrooms and the office.

“Some kids followed the rules and were doing what they are supposed to do, having it at lunch,” Hodge said. “It would have worked if everyone did it, but when the kids do it wrong it disrupts class and it disrupts us.”

Hodge claims one of the major issues for the office staff was the students abandoning the food they had delivered.

“The kids would not pick it up and we were left with a bunch of food that was smelling and rotten when we were supposed to be working,” Hodge said. “We would just throw it away at the end of the day.”

She also adds that the food had become a distraction to classrooms due to the students leaving class during instructional time to grab and bring back food under false pretenses.

“They come out of class when they are not supposed to and when they don’t have a pass to,” Hodge said. “It becomes a distraction when they say ‘I have to go to the bathroom’ and come up and grab his or her Doordash and walk to back to class.”

This ban does not include parents however, meaning that a student could still have a guardian come drop off food for them so long as they follow the drop off rules of leaving it on the table outside the doors of the office.

According to Hodge if food deliveries were to come back in the future specific rules would have to be followed

“They would have to call ahead and say can you please deliver this from this time to this time and they would have to make sure they are on the right schedule because we have five schedules now,” Hodge said. “The door dash would have to be left on the table just like the parents and you would have to come up and get it on your own.”