ROSETTI: Addition of more tutoring options valuable for IM students
May 8, 2017
As a former Integrated Math student, I can understand how strenuous and often confusing the classes can be. I often used to visit my teachers before school in order to fully understand what was happening in class.
However, sometimes I needed a better explanation or just more flexibility after school – which is why the new tutoring center dedicated to math and science might be the best thing for IM students.
One problem facing these old student tutors is that they typically didn’t take IM and struggle with the content.
I know that – at least in my experiences – tutors struggle to wrap their heads around the new common core curriculum. Now there’s an entire classroom (with an actual IM teacher) dedicated to helping students that have a tough time.
Struggling students now have more flexibility with teachers and help, because now they can just stop by the tutoring center really quickly and get help.
They are no longer bound to their teacher’s schedule, but rather to their own.
I assume that this will help combat the monumental fail rate that faces IM students.
More readily available tutors that specialize in mathematics – specifically Integrated Math – can only help students in their math endeavours. Sometimes it’s nice to get taught something from a different perspective, the perspective of a fellow student.
The center will also provide assistance for science classes, whether that be Chemistry or Biology or even Physics.
Last time I went to the tutoring center, everyone was there for either a science or math class. This really made me wonder how often students actually need tutoring beyond those subjects.
Two of my friends that currently tutor say that there are significantly more students that come for help regarding a math (again, mainly IM) or a science (generally Chemistry).
They also both mentioned that there aren’t enough tutors at some times to accommodate the math and science needs of the students.
The addition of the center seems it will be the perfect solution to this problem.