DEL ROSARIO: Student athletes, put in the effort before it’s too late


As my senior year begins to wind down, I have come to the unfortunate realization that time really does fly – and man does it fly quickly.

Most people don’t realize that they will never be able to fully value the high school experience until it is all over, and by then it’s too late. This is especially true for the student athletes.

As a four-year basketball player who’s high school career has come to an end, I dearly miss playing the sport I love most. I always hear people say that they wouldn’t change a thing if they could redo their high school years, but I would change everything.

I regret not putting in the maximum time and effort into the sport I am most passionate about. As a freshman, I made the JV basketball team, but I settled. I was so content with making the team that I didn’t push myself hard enough to excel and strive for new heights. I needed that “Mamba Mentality” (for all of you basketball fans); I shouldn’t have limited myself to anything.

Unfortunately, my mindset never changed. My sophomore year on the varsity team was mediocre, and my junior year was only decent. This year was the team’s best season, but I wish I could’ve made a bigger impact. I was satisfied with being an average player and having a good game once-in-awhile. I never took it to the next level. I kept telling myself “There’s always next year,” but I couldn’t say that this year.

I continued to wait and wait for my moment until there was no more time left. I sincerely regret how I carried myself as a student athlete. I was never an MVP or a first-team all league player, but I knew that I had the potential to be one.

Basically, if you want to improve, you have to earn it.

This doesn’t only apply to student athletes. If you are passionate about something, give it as much attention as you can. Whether it’s passing a class, making friends or living a healthier lifestyle, always give it your absolute best effort.

Unfortunately for me, I settled. I wanted to be the best but I never made an effort to be great. Sadly, I will never be able to play another game of high school basketball. Regardless of who you are or what your skill level is, through the ups and downs, strive for greatness.

Before you know it, it’ll be over in a heartbeat.