EYE OF THE TIGER’S VIEW: Aging campus in need of Measure D funds

October 24, 2016
If Measure D passes on the November ballot Roseville Joint Union High School District would recieve around a $96 million bond, $30 million of which will assist in constructing the sixth high school in West Roseville.
That leaves $63 million to the other five schools, with which the district is looking to accommodate site overcrowding, renew aged infrastructure and update facilities. It looks like the district is recognizing RHS’ age and granting us a larger portion of the bond to refurbish and update our campus. And for aged, outdated 104-year-old Roseville High School, these plans couldn’t be any more fitting.
RHS already targeted areas of improvement in anticipation for the approximately $13 million each site will receive, areas which cater to a large span of students.
Perhaps the most prominent project is the plan to construct a new small gym and refurbish the surrounding pool area. P.E. classes and athletics use the gym and pool for class and practice, and both parties and administration find numerous safety hazards around the facilities. Between leaky roofs, slippery floors and the undeniable paranormal presence in the small gym, and the decaying concrete pool deck and limited crowd space in the pool area, these are wise expense made with the students’ safety in mind.
After replacing the rooftops on the 100 wing, or the art wing, administration is looking to continue improvements inside the 100 wing classrooms. The concrete floors, chalkboards and paint-splattered sinks seem to match the authentic “art studio” environment, but there are other safety hazards we shouldn’t write off as replicating an “art studio.” On top of improving outdated infrastructure, which is already in the plans for the wing, replacing minor utilities such as unstable tables and cramped storage cabinets would make daily use of the facilities safer for students.
Hanson Field’s press box and snack bar area are also awaiting Measure D renovations, and for good reason. There’s no reason for any structure to be too small on the school’s largest facility, so the press box and snack bar are well deserving of the bond money. Administration also plans to build a new restroom on the visitor side, which would not only benefit families during games but students at school.
The 800 wing is also getting updated to accomodate Project Lead The Way developments. This forward thinking is a responsible use of the funds because the facilities will not only be used intensively in the future but won’t need as much maintenance when the program grows in enrollment.
Since the measure is expediting the sixth high school’s construction, current sites using their money to refurbish the campuses instead of adding onto them or putting it into programs is the most responsible and proactive use possible. Updating classrooms and learning equipment would be far more beneficial to students who remain after the new high school opens.