‘Luke Cage’ maintains excellence of past Marvel series


Photo by Myles Aronowitz/Netflix


New Netflix original series, Luke Cage does not fail to uphold Marvel’s extended universe’s reputation of the show variety. Released on Sep 13, this is the third show Marvel and Netflix put out together and it had a lot to live up to. Marvel has been completely dominating the superhero game when it comes to movies and tv and continued to do so with this series.

Luke Cage does not fail to meet the standards previous Marvel shows have set. Last year Marvel and Netflix released Daredevil and Jessica Jones which both showed what a superhero TV show needs to be. Serious and phenomenal acting, Well choreographed fight scenes, and a consistent good feel and tone.

In regards to acting Luke Cage does not fail where Marvel’s previous shows have succeeded. The cast fits their roles perfectly and carries them out well.  Mike Colter, who plays Luke Cage himself, portrays him perfectly he conveys serious and wise emotions of Luke Cage impeccably . The character of Luke Cage has indestructible skin and super strength. The way he acts and his emotions match his powers pretty spot on. This is something Colter does very well. Only massive things can break him emotionally and he rarely lets his morals slip. Mahershala Ali plays the main antagonist a drug lord named Cornell “Cottonmouth” Stokes who delivers a scary and intense performance through his words, facial expressions, and movements.

For a hero who literally can’t be hurt it is expected that the fight scenes might get a little boring but the way the fight scenes are shot in Luke Cage make it enjoyable and different every time with music, different visual effects, and slow motion.