BATEMAN: Athletic facilities in need of Measure D millions


This November, citizens of Placer County will vote on Measure D, a tax bond measure that will raise $96 million for Roseville Joint Union High School District.

RJUHSD has also vowed to give Roseville High School $13 million to put toward facilities if the policy is passed. If this happens, the money should go solely toward athletic facilities as opposed to being dispersed across other projects on campus.

Plans to devote money toward sporting facilities like the small gym, the football stadium, and the pool already exist, but it is possible that money will also be put toward other facilities. However, there are so many athletic facilities that are in need of improvements that any plans to spend the money on other departments’ facilities should be put off.

I am in complete agreement with the plans to improve the infamous small gym because, frankly, it is an eyesore. The thought of improving its condition has been floating around for years, and I feel that it’s finally time for something to be done about it. It’s also possible that it will be replaced entirely with a brand new gym, which would be ideal.

A new gym would also bring about a new girls locker room, which is another necessary purchase that I am in agreement with. For years, the girls’ locker room has been hidden underneath the small gym and isn’t quite on the same scale as the boys locker room. The locker room isn’t just in a bad location; it also doesn’t have a “team room” for athletes like the boys locker room does.

Some people might say that these things aren’t really that big of a deal and that the money should go toward other facilities, like new art buildings and science equipment. I disagree, as both the art classes and science classes seem to be doing just fine with the state of their current facilities and equipment.

The list of athletic facilities on campus that could use a bit of love and care are endless. For now, we can start with the small gym and girls locker room but, with that amount of money, the idea that the Capital Valley Conference could be welcoming a new and improved Tiger athletic powerhouse is on the horizon.