Moses returns to Roseville after stint at district office



Roseville High School administration assistant Kim Moses is making the steady transition from her previous district job back to the RHS office this school year.

Moses spent her first year at RHS working as an administration assistant and eventually transferred to the College and Career Center for two years until departing for a higher paying job at the RJUHSD office.

Moses made the transition to the district office because of a promotion opportunity as administration assistant for personnel. According to Moses, the experience was worthwhile and she’s glad she took the leap.

“It was a raise monetarily and I feel like it was a very valuable experience. I’m really glad that I took it.” Moses said.  

According to Moses, RHS’s family-like community and supportive students played a big part in her decision to return to RHS.

“I started out as an admin assistant in the very desk I am returning to,” Moses said. “We have an amazing community and family field here. That’s one of the reasons I came back, because I miss the kids.”  

According to Moses, her experience working at the district office has shaped her into the well-rounded employee she is today.

Now back at RHS at her previous position as admin assistant, Moses is excited to be reunited with both the students and staff.  

“I really missed seeing kids and interacting with kids on a daily basis.” Moses said. “That’s why I went into education in the beginning

RHS alumni Tiffany Olson shared a close bond with Moses before she departed for the district and was excited to learn that returned to RHS.  

“She made my day at Roseville High so much more enjoyable,” Olson said. “She was always available to talk and give me advice when I needed it the most. She truly cares about other people and you feel loved in her presence.”

According to Olson, she met Moses in the office her freshman year and is excited to learn she’s back at RHS so she can continue to be a positive influence to current students as she was to Olson.

“She is such a positive influence and has impacted so many people’s lives in such a positive way,” Olson said. “She’s overall just a fantastic person.”

Moses’s return back to her previous office job resulted in a definite cut in pay, but according to Moses, the kids and faculty of RHS is what makes it so worth it.

“People ask me why I took such a big cut in pay,” said Moses. “To me success is measured by how happy you are in your heart and for me coming back and being with the kids everyday and amazing faculty is so worth it.”

This year Moses is in close collaboration with the counselors in order to be of more assistance to them and to be more personable with students.

Counselor Robyn Pasco  appreciates the comfort and stability Moses provided for the students.

“Kids just loved her, felt very comfortable being able to come in and ask her questions,” Pasco said. “She made great connections with the students.”