May 15, 2023

James DuPont is Roseville High School’s valedictorian for the class of 2023. Roseville High might make changes next year on the valedictorian. Instead of having one valedictorian they might change it to a valedictorian circle featuring the top students. He has maintained the number one spot all throughout his four years at Roseville. While many students strive towards being valedictorian James just happened to be it. 

“No I didn’t always want to be valedictorian I didn’t get that good of grades throughout middle school but when I got to high school I took a lot of hard classes and always got As and noticed my class rank was one and I kept trying to take more APs and keep trying to get As from there.”

After noticing he had a chance of being valedictorian he made more of an effort to get good grades with the help of the staff of RHS. 

“There was definitely people who helped me along the way. My teachers helped me by giving me materials to study for and always making sure there’s opportunities for me to excel and understand stuff I didn’t get. My counselors helped me by giving me the opportunity to have a harder schedule and fit a lot of AP classes in like have a confined schedule and like working around a lot of different things.”

James’ brother, Joey DuPont finds it a little strange that his brother is valedictorian. 

“Yeah I don’t know how he did it. No one in my family is really smart so I guess it’s all just him,” said Joey.  

Getting good grades and getting into good colleges is a lot more difficult now than it was in previous generations and James feels there’s a lot more pressure on students. 

“I think there’s a lot more competitive nature now to having a more loaded schedule, colleges are a lot more competitive so giving kids access to really show the level of achievement that they can achieve through AP classes and getting As and showing universities that they are capable of being high achieving students so they can go to the best college so I think it’s like a good thing that they’re more accessible.”

All his hard work paid off in the end and James has picked the school he will be attending in the fall. 

“My after high school plans are to attend UCLA and study business economics and eventually work in finance or something like that.”

Again, DuPont hasn’t dreamed of a big school his whole life, he just hoped to go to college. 

“I always have been happy with going to like a smaller or just any college but I got the opportunity to go to a good school so I did that.” 

James has advice to students who would possibly like to be valedictorian next or be successful in school. 

“Study hard, figure out the best way to work the schedule and fit the classes in that you can and what classes need to be taken earlier or later.”

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