Shepard’s Food Reviews Devour Social Media

March 31, 2023

Freshman Shepard Strand has recently found a new hobby of reviewing foods he eats on social media. He does so on his Instagram and TikTok, reviewing food he eats at school and at home.

“I’m just doing this as a hobby…[This is] one of my hobbies, and I just wanna y’know, rate food,” Strand said.

Strand started doing his online food reviews after he got inspired from his friends who also reviewed food. He typically just has someone record a video of him eating whatever he reviews, or he just takes a picture.

“Well, one day a friend suggested I should do food reviews,” Strand said. “And I considered the idea so I started doing food reviews and I saw a bunch of my friends are doing food reviews and I wanted to join in, and luckily I got more lucky than  them because I got more followers.”

Strand has gained over 30 thousand followers on his main Instagram account, although he’s only been doing this for a short period of time. At this rate, he’s gained almost a thousand followers a day. His TikTok on the other hand, only has a percent of that, being a little over thirty. Strand has an understanding as to why he has so many followers on his Instagram page.

“[I started] like ten days ago. I got a lot of followers, [because] people see me doing food reviews, they see me filming, and also they like my content, and also I just post really great reviews,” Strand said. “Make sure you follow @shepardsfoodreviews if you haven’t already, it’s on Instagram and TikTok.”

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