Senior Lot construction blocks parking

March 3, 2023

Recently at Roseville High School during the 2022-2023 school year, there has been construction on the student parking lot also known as the “Senior lot”. This construction is adding a new snack bar entrance to the field and new bathrooms as well as a ticket booth.

The construction has also been affecting the students that park in the senior lot while it is taking away 15 spots from the students affecting how many students can park in the lot and get to school on time.
This construction isn’t just at Roseville high school, it’s at every school in the district, except for West Park.
“All schools in the district are getting an entrance snack bar and restrooms and the plan is to in sequence have each of those installed as they go along through each of the campuses” Roseville High School administrator Jason Wilson said.
Roseville High School is fifth on the list for this construction. The construction also makes it difficult to get to the stadium with the construction blocking the pathway off making it difficult for spring sports.
The students that park there are being affected as well. Junior Bryce Ikeda has parked in the lot before and during this construction over the past months.

“The construction made it really hard to park because there is that gutter going down like the far length and I always dip into it and it’s really annoying then it took away so many spots so not so many could park in the senior lot anymore.”

Because of this construction it is making it harder for students to get to school on time and they have to park farther away. Many students are having to park in the surrounding neighborhoods of RHS, making the walk to school to be longer for some.
After the construction is finished all the spots that were lost will be gained back plus an additional one.
“Minus 15 spots due to the construction laydown area and when all is said and done we will get those parking spots back plus one so we’re not going to lose any additional parking spaces we will actually pick up one at the completion of the event in terms of impact on students yeah the path of travel because of the construction makes it difficult.”

Wilson says the construction is going to be completed in phases and it will be done in August 2023 beginning of the next school year.

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