Cat in danger: Too much to Bear


Last Friday afternoon Bear the cat found himself in an interesting predicament. This even worried many students like Senior Zach Galamagam.

“I was walking to my third period class and I saw a bunch of kids just standing there,” Galamagam said. “They were looking up at the power pole and I thought there was maybe a goose, or a squirrel, or something that was catching their attention up to the power pole. So I turned around the corner and it’s Bear! Bear is twenty feet in the air looking down on us.”

With Galamgam having his third period in the portables and acting as a teacher’s assistant for his mother, Marlin Galamgam, he has a fondness for Bear and was worried when the cat put himself in danger. The Galamgam’s see Bear pretty much everyday and the cat means a lot to them.

“Bear has a very positive effect on a lot of students, especially me; just because he comes to my mom’s room a lot of times so I see him almost every day, he’s a loving cat, and I would’ve hated to see something bad happen to him,” Galamgam said. 

Towards the end of third period on Friday, a group of firefighters showed up to help Bear get down from the pole thanks to a phone call from teacher Jon Coleman. Thankfully, Firefighting Engineer Kirk Stevens helped save Bear from the pole. 

“We were just glad we could get up there and get it, threw a ladder up, climbed up, climbed down, and gave it back,” Stevens said.

For all the events that a firefighter or engineer does while on duty, this was the first time that Stevens has ever specifically had to help a cat off of a telephone pole.

“I think that getting a cat off of a power pole was actually my first time,” Stevens said.

Luckily, Bear was perfectly fine after being saved from Stevens.