Baseballin’ and Paintballin’



With the spring semester now in full swing, the start of spring sports, like baseball, are preparing for the season. The boys varsity baseball team has an interesting way of preparing for the season, along with the practices during 4th period, the team went paintballing. Senior Max Wyles feels that paintballing is good for the team as a whole.

“It just gives us a chance to get to know each other better. We can build better bonds, create better relationships, just all around a good experience,” Wyles said.

The team went to Capital Edge Paintball in Sacramento, where their coach, Greg Zanolli paid for the paintballing pleasantries. He also paid for the pizza break in the middle. Players like junior Brady Ranallo are really thankful for the generous coach.

“I think it is super kind of coach to just pay for all the paintballs, all the rental guns, and all the pizza. I mean, he spent a lot of money just for us to have a little fun, which shows how much he cares for us,” Ranallo said.

The foggy and wet conditions that the team endured on that Saturday made it a little more difficult to maneuver around the map fluidly. Junior Parker Hellekson was a victim to these circumstances.

“I thought I was in Call of Duty and stuff, you already know. And then I tried to run from one barrier to the other, and boom! I fell flat on my face. Just like K.O’d,” Hellekson said.

The team played several different games while they were there. They played team deathmatch, free-for-all, attackers vs. defenders, and capture the flag. Wyles felt that the mix up in games helped to keep things fresh.

“I could tell we started to get a little bored and tired in the beginning, due to it being so cold, but once we switched up the games, and especially when we started playing attackers vs. defenders, our mood changed immediately,” Wyles said.

With the season starting up in February, Hellekson already feels that this team is good and ready to compete, but not for the same reasons as last year.

“This team is different from last year. I think this team is a lot closer this year, I think we all have a great bond and a great support system of teammates. I think the seniors are also super close, which helps set examples for the younger classmen and I really think that our bond is what is going to help win us games and eventually prepare us for Woodcreek,” Hellekson said.