Peer Helping: A return to normalcy


Peer helping was one of the many classes that was most affected by the Covid-19 shutdown. A lot of the activities that are done in the class revolve around social interaction and playing games with classmates.

Peer helping teacher Valerie Erb, tried to replicate in person games and activities while students were online. 

“We tried to mirror online everything that we do in class, we still zoomed in to some freshman health classes,” Erb said. “We also shared our life stories and we tried to convert our team building training games to zoom games.”

Students like Senior Sabina Torrez, noticed that over zoom other students were less social and it was harder to interact on a personal level with classes online.

“Over zoom no one really talked or didn’t say anything and now in person everyone is more active and out there,” Torrez said. 

Students also felt it was harder to recognize some of the new students in the class once they returned to classes in person because of cameras being off.

“Not a lot of people had their cameras on, like we had some new freshmen and sophomores that I couldn’t recognize because they had their cameras off,” Senior Sergio Vences said.

Now that the class is back in person students feel that the class is much better. They can interact more with each other and play more entertaining games.

“You can actually see the people, instead of just a blank screen,” Vences said. “We can actually play better games, instead of just playing among us, which is what we usually did.”

Vences also feels that he has been happier because of this class being in person. Seeing everyone’s faces everyday just adds to the effect that the class has on its students.

“It gets me up in the morning, like being in this class wakes me up and it’s a good start to my day,” Vences said.

Another difference that students are feeling this year in peer helping is tighter deadlines. Senior Cameron Skinner experienced looser deadlines online and more flexible turn in dates.

“It was a little more relaxed, kind of do your own thing and get your work done on time,” said Skinner. “In person you have to face more of a deadline, but I do think that in person is better.”

Now that the class is back to full in person learning, students have felt that they are in a better mood and happier than if the class stayed online.

 “It’s definitely better for morale, as far as class activities go,” Senior Qorban Bates said.