CIF announces official end to spring season
The small gym after school hours. With CIF ending the spring season prematurely, no sports will continue.
April 3, 2020
CIF Executive Director Ron Nocetti released a statement today announcing the official end of the spring sports season. At the last CIF meeting in March, the CIF and 10 Section Commissioners decided it was premature to cancel the spring sports season and chose to leave its fate up to the April 3 meeting.
“Based on the recent statements issued by Governor Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, regarding schools turning to distance learning for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) does not see an avenue for the spring sports season to continue,” Nocetti said in the statement. “As such, in consultation today with the 10 Section Commissioners, the decision has been made to cancel spring Section, Regional, and State Championship events.”
Sophomore varsity softball player Malaya Jonhson is heartbroken to see the teams season be taken away from them after the teams hot 5-0 start and big goals for this season.
“It’s really hard for me to comprehend and I’m just really disappointed with how this is all going down,” Johsnson said. “We spent countless hours working hard to prepare for this season and we didn’t deserve to go out like that, especially considering all the success we were going to have.”
Johnson feels bad for the team’s seniors and is sad to see them go without an end to their high school careers.
“I really feel for our seniors they worked endlessly and continuously all up for this moment of their senior year,” Joshnson said. “All of our seniors brought hard work and passion but with that they brought fun and hype and we will all truly miss them next year.”
Senior volleyball player Sam Angell understands the cancellation, but is still left saddened given he may never play volleyball at the same level again.
“It’s really heartbreaking to know that I may never be playing volleyball at a competition level again in my life,” Angell said. “I’ve made some great friendships over the years through the sport and though the situation is understandable, I’m still pretty disappointed.”