Gov. Newsom waives 180 day school year minimum


The Roseville High School admisitration building is empty on a Monday at 2:00p.m. as all Placer County Schools are closed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.


Yesterday, the California legislature passed emergency legislation that waives the state mandated minimum of 180 instructional days for local educational agencies. This means schools that are not shifting their curriculum online will not be mandated to extend school past their current end date and seniors would still receive their diplomas.

According to RHS principal Nicholas Richter, RJUHSD is still planning to switch online in order to maintain continuity of education for students during the closure.

“We want to make sure students don’t lose a large chunk of instruction… We are putting pieces in place to not negatively impact students,” Richter said.

The emergency legislation also extends the testing window for the English language proficiency assessment by 45 days and the testing window for all other assessments, including CAASPP, by the length of time a school is closed due to COVID-19.

“Without these extensions, it would be very difficult to prepare for the logistics of the test and more importantly, it would put students at a disadvantage,” Richter said. “With the extensions, we have an opportunity to properly prepare students for those exams.”

RJUHSD students have now received Zoom accounts to allow video conferencing and help with online communication. Students can stop by the school for curbside food service and help with Chromebooks and supplies.