RJUHSD closes all school sites, shifts to online learning
A student in Carol Crabtree’s AP European History class works with Chromebooks and textbooks. With RJUHSD’s One-to-One Chromebook initiative, digital materials may become more integrated into curriculum.
March 13, 2020
This afternoon the Placer County Office of Education required that all school district close their campuses through April 13. This includes all RJUHSD sites. School is scheduled to resume after spring break, April 14.
Beginning Monday from 11a.m. to 1p.m. RJUHSD will provide a pick-up and delivered lunch as well as a pre-made breakfast for students who receive free and reduced lunch.
A hotline will be open for students that have tech issues or are unable to use Chromebooks away from school. The district is exploring distributing mobile hotspots for students and collaborating with Comcast to provide 60 days of free internet for qualifying families.
The district is planning asynchronous learning. Students would not be required to be online during the hours of a typical school day. Teachers will send work to students and students will be expected to send work back by teacher-specified deadlines.
According to Denise Herrmann, superintendent of the RJUHSD, the shift towards online learning does not mean students should expect an experience any less rewarding than what they currently receive in the classroom.
“We do anticipate high quality learning [over the next four weeks],” Herrmann said.