Roseville High School's independent student press

J.B. Gale Theater

November 15, 2019

J.B. Gale is the place to be on Multicultural Day. J.B. Gale featured 5 performances- everything from rap to acoustic guitar. What stands out most about the performances at J.B. Gale is that they are all students, whereas the gym featured performances from outside RHS.

Performer and (grade level) Robert Krolik, who played four songs at Multicultural Day, felt that performing enhanced his ability to share his culture and who he is as a person.

“It gives us a clear and open voice to express ourselves and express our cultures and where we come from- we can tell our stories. No matter what, music is just a really powerful platform,” Krolik said.

Music has always been deemed an important part of society and the cultures it harbors. It’s found everywhere in day to day life. From full on songs played in our cars, or the steady tick of a clock, music and rhythm make up our lives.

Sophomore Robert Krolik performs in front of the J.B. Gale. Students showcased their vocal talents on Multicultural day, performing songs that demonstrate their cultures.

It only seems common sense that music has a big impact on culture.

Music can tell more about history and its culture than the average textbook. It captures the time and the vibe in an essence. Some may argue that it’s untrue, but forget to realize we don’t listen to music from the 1920’s, 1950’s, or even the 1850’s on the radio.

For senior Trey Driggs who watched the acts, it was these performances that enhanced Multicultural Day and made it great.

“I’m not saying a music master or anything, but I think performing is definitely really good for students that want to perform more. The more they do it, the better they get at it,” Driggs said. “I feel like music is a really big part of culture. Since the beginning of time, people have been performing, so this is definitely a large chunk of people’s culture. I think it’s really cool that we are doing it.”

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