TRAILER WATCH: Black Mirror gives so much, yet so little.


Just this morning Netflix graciously gave us a trailer to one of their most popular original series, Black Mirror. Within this single minute trailer we were able to get so much, yet so little.

Only a few aspects of the new season were confirmed, such as an official release date of June 5th, three new episodes, and the themes for the season. Usually from the trailers of the previous seasons it’s hard to get a grasp on what the season is all about, and in the end there hasn’t ever been a real trend; however, in this trailer we can clearly see a strong theme of the corruption of our own black mirrors: the ones in our pockets at almost every minute of every day.

We were left wondering what the plots could possibly be for two of the three episodes of the season. Also revealed was the main character in one of the episodes: none other than singer, actress, and songwriter, Miley Cyrus. Her addition to the series left fans both baffled and curious as to what role she will bring to the show.

On top of Miley’s addition, we also get a look at Anthony Mackie, best known for his role as Falcon in the critically acclaimed Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, appearing as a main character in one of the episodes.

With only 1 minute of footage to watch, not a whole lot can be discerned from this trailer; however, I was overrun with joy when we were finally blessed with a release date. Previous seasons have left us in the dark with undisclosed releases.

With this season being all about the corruption of cell phones, it’s sort of hard not to get a chuckle out of the irony that we, watching a series on the erosion the cellphone has on our minds, continue to subject ourselves to the abyss of our own black mirror.