Music-oriented sophomores expand ability
Sophomores Megan Bischof and Joey Haight have a love of music that can’t be contained during school hours alone. Both students participate in their respective community bands, which offer them opportunities to better themselves as musicians.
December 19, 2018
For some band students, playing music is a passion that transcends both the school bell and after-school band practice, as the hours these students spend perfecting their abilities go beyond the RHS campus.
Sophomore Megan Bischof plays bass in the RHS marching band and has an additional spot in the Placer County Youth Orchestra, where she plays the cello with an expert hand.
“It’s a fun opportunity to meet people from other schools and play music together,” Bischof said.
Bischof’s position in the community orchestra has opened up opportunities outside of RHS, including the chance to work with the Del Oro drama department and several other theater companies.
“It’s really fun to collaborate with the actors there and the other musicians,” Bischof said. “I [just] love being part of a group and making something beautiful.”
When she first started playing for a school band years ago, back in middle school, Bischof had her family to support her progress, as music had always been her family’s backbone.
“I’ve been playing flute ever since my whole family kind of inspired me to do band,” Bischof said. “They are all musicians, so growing up it has always been part of my life and it was a passion that I have loved.”
For Bischof, her community orchestra offers her an opportunity to relax and enjoy herself without the concern of a grade weighing her down. Thus, even if playing music as an extracurricular increases her workload, Bischof finds it worth the trouble.
“Playing music outside of school influences me to play better and to reach new heights and expand on my playing,” Bischof said.
Bishof hopes to continue her passion and love for music later in life by spreading her knowledge of the subject.
“I really inspired myself to do and pursue music,” Bischof said. “I’ve always loved it [and] I hope to eventually be a [music] teacher or give private lessons.”
Like Bischof, sophomore Joey Haight also has his plate full as a member of winter percussion, winter guard, and Roseville Community Concert Band. Though taking on all of these activities at once is a lot of hard work, Haight relishes the various opportunities and friendships each of these programs offer him.
“What I enjoy about these programs is that [they] allow me to perform and compete at a higher level, which allows me to heighten my skills as a performer and a musician,” Haight said.
Haight is adding to his musicality by auditioning for the Sacramento Mandarins – a drum corps that would allow him to travel around the nation to compete against other bands.