In light of my recent decision to become a public figure, I’ve started to reflect on what it means to be a public figure. I know when you think of public figure, you think of Kylie Jenner but what comes to mind for me is much deeper more niche side of the internet that is less localized. For instance figures like TOOPOOR or model Grace Elizabeth are pinnacle public figures from opposite sides of the spectrum. There are many kinds of public figures ranging from Goth to French (I dabble in both in terms of style, but I lean more French). When I realized this concept, I began to think that being a public figure means to be unapologetically yourself. If there’s already a TOOPOOR, why do we need a carbon copy of her when we can have the original? Why would you buy a knock off Kate Spade from an alleyway vendor when the original is completely affordable?



I remember shortly after the passing of Carrie Fisher, I immediately picked up a copy of The Princess Diarist. I had been putting off reading it for months before. When I finally did read it, I was so filled with gratitude for Carrie’s insight of what it’s like to be an inspired young woman that lacks the confidence to actually enjoy her life. Carrie reflects on her time as a 19-year-old chubby cheeked girl while filming “Star Wars: A New Hope” and how in hindsight her insecurities were so foolish and, of course, false. Upon reading I felt that had also been curbing my passions due to fear and masking my real personality to please others. But hey, if Carrie Fisher regrets something, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let it happen to me. Being out-going is a part of who I am and because of this novel I was lucky enough to realize this while still in my youth.



Growing up as a female, and a fashionable one at that of course, I was naturally drawn to the iconic female figures of Sex and the City. While watching the show growing up, I always dreamed to live like them, but as I am currently rewatching it with more life experience and a much more cultivated taste for style, I’ve learned that Sex and the City has much to teach young women who aspire to be powerful and stylish. Not only do we see tastefully tacky early 2000s outfits, but we watch the characters be constantly faced with problems only women of power and status would be presented. One specific instance that comes to mind is Samantha ending one of her very few serious relationships by simply saying “I love you, but I love me more” – a slogan that a decade or so later women are still abiding by because a woman (while fictional) that they admire said it with so much confidence that it feels like the key to life.