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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

STEARNS: Quality of class experience dependent on teacher dedication

April 11, 2016

BY MIKAYLA STEARNS [email protected] I am not a student who hates their class because of a heavy workload. Infamously difficult curriculum, homework, projects or finals aren’t what drives...

MULLIGAN: Campus vandalism childish, ignorant

April 11, 2016

BY JOHNNY MULLIGAN [email protected] Destroying and defiling school property doesn’t make you some rebellious teen. It makes you a student who completely disregards your fellow students’...

EYE OF THE TIGER'S VIEW: Toffelmier’s ousting risky

April 11, 2016

(This article represents the views of the 2015-2016 editorial board) Administration’s decision to transition band director Mark Toffelmier away from his post could prove hasty. While we support site...

FURDEK: C/o ‘16 reputation unfitting

April 11, 2016

BY MADDY FURDEK [email protected] I can still remember the thrilling nervousness that coursed through my body the first day I met Roseville High School’s Class of 2016. It was a hot August...

BARBER: Undervalued Naviance provides clear path

April 11, 2016

BY RACHEL BARBER  [email protected] Last Wednesday, Roseville Joint Union High School District held a Parent Advisory Committee meeting to discuss next school year’s Local Control Accountability...

BEAMAN: Common Core focus in P.E. distracts from student fitness

April 11, 2016

BY BLAKE BEAMAN [email protected] Forty-two states have now fully adopted Common Core standards for core subjects, like math and language arts. However, this year we have seen the integration...

SMITH: Policy damages appeal of Academic Enrichment

April 11, 2016

BY ANDREW SMITH [email protected] The changes made to the academic enrichment program attempt to fix a problem that isn’t there. This policy was approved by the district on October 13,...

MULLIGAN: Later start would only cater to later students' needs

March 14, 2016

BY JOHNNY MULLIGAN  [email protected] Every Monday during first period is the same. Alongside the lesson, there are consistent complaints about the early hours for school and how much...

STEARNS: Maintain equal gender representation in admin

March 14, 2016

BY MIKALYA STEARNS [email protected] Before talking to the superintendent, I imagined that the gap in female to male admin was similar to the lack in racial diversity that Robbie Short highlighted...

LITTLEJOHN: Scheduling easily derails TA policy

March 14, 2016

Limited applicants may shortchange teachers BY JAKE LITTLEJOHN [email protected] Roseville High School’s new policy on teacher assistants is designed to lower the number of TAs and,...

MAILEY: Fulfill obligation to students before promotion

March 14, 2016

BY SAM MAILEY [email protected] As students, we understand the ambition to climb ranks. We want to see ourselves perform and fulfill our potential and goals, and we don’t expect anything...

COLLINS: Expulsion process should consider student circumstances

March 14, 2016

BY AUSTIN COLLINS [email protected] Expulsion can be a valuable means to an end in some situations. It can be used to further secure the welfare of the student body as well as protect teachers...

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