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Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger

Roseville High School's independent student press

Eye of the Tiger


Seniors, parents utilize Cash for College night

COOPER BADDLEY November 3, 2017

Last Wednesday Roseville High School hosted its annual Cash for College night. Students and their families were able to attend and receive assistance from counselors on filling out the Free Application...


GALLERY: Student government hosts BCAM Pink Out Rally during one-lunch

STAFF REPORT October 27, 2017

Students gathered in the amphitheater today for RHS' annual Pink Out Rally in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Students and staff with first lunch followed the second lunch schedule in order...

RHS senior Scarlett Frazee commits to joining the Marine Corps

STAFF REPORT October 25, 2017

Senior Scarlett Frazee committed to a date for marine corpse boot camp last Monday. Frazee is excited to achieve what she considers "the greatest title one can earn, a u.s. marine" "I have a long history...

New photography and art teachers come to RHS

STAFF REPORT October 25, 2017

RHS hired two new teachers to fill empty positions in the art and photo departments. Denise Sanchez-Scaglione is teaching art 1 and Allison Lawson is teaching photography 1. The photo and art departments...

Substitute teacher Dan Benson subs a freshman english class. Teachers who attend conferences must request substitutes or ask a colleague to fill in while they are away. (SINO OULAD DAOUD/EYE OF THE TIGER)

COMPROMISING TIME: Teachers lose in-class minutes to instructional training opportunities

ALEXANDRIA SUBA October 23, 2017

Some teachers miss several days of school each year to attend trainings and conferences. Of these professional development opportunities available, teachers must decide if their attendance is beneficial...

Senior Sydney Richardson sits in her AP government class. Students may enroll in the same class at a community college and fulfill the graduation requirement but will not receive weighted credit. (SINO OULAD DAOUD/EYE OF THE TIGER)

New grading policy eliminates CC credit boost

WAFEEQ RIDHUAN October 23, 2017

In the latest revisions of a prospective district grading policy released by the RJUHSD Continuous Improvement Leadership Team last month, weighted credit for community college courses and other classes...

The center vending machine in Senior Square rejects junior Khaeilene Epan in an attempt to purchase a snack. (SINO OULAD DAOUD/EYE OF THE TIGER)

Breakdowns hamper snack delivery

STAFF REPORT October 23, 2017

When they are working, campus vending machines allow students to purchase snacks with cash without standing in cafeteria food lines. However, sometimes they are not operating. “I tried getting stuff...

California Department of Education unveils Dashboard

California Department of Education unveils Dashboard

CAM MEDRANO October 23, 2017

The California Department of Education (CDE) unveiled a new accountability system this school year called the California School Dashboard in response to the Local Control Funding Formula law passed in...

Fires in northern California continue, RHS science teacher Erin Granucci and medical club help

STAFF REPORT October 18, 2017

As fires in northern California continue to rage, an RHS teacher is working to support those in need. Science teacher Erin Granucci and students from the medical club brought needed items over the weekend...

Tiger Band, Color Guard win at Oakmont Field Festival

STAFF REPORT October 17, 2017

Roseville High School's Tiger Band and Color Guard won their first tournament of the season at the Oakmont Field Festival last Saturday. The Oakmont Field Festival of Music is a marching band competition...

New sand volleyball club hosts grass fundraiser tournament

COOPER BADDLEY October 17, 2017

The new sand volleyball club at Roseville High school hosted a grass fundraiser tournament over the weekend.  The money will help the club afford uniforms and other needed elements to participate in tournaments...

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