In this edition of Eye of the Tiger, Roseville has a new student resource officer, the search for a new principal continues as David Byrd announces his leave and a freshman has been pitching her voice...
In this edition of Eye of the Tiger, vape rates are up significantly from past years, last night was the annual talent show, one RHS sophomore is taking a unique route off campus for winter sports and...
In today's edition of Eye of the Tiger, anchors Cam Medrano and AJ Welker discuss updates on principal David Byrd's leave, GoGuardian monitoring services, EOTSN's Natalie Russell covers wrestling' s success...
In today's edition of Eye of the Tiger, the biannual blood drive took place last Wednesday. Seniors Jaylen Solich and Mackenzie Gill receive CVC MVP honors and sophomore Lulu Wilson runs a popular social...
In this edition of Eye of the Tiger, today marks the deadline for course registration for the 2019-20 school year, A-G requirement posters were recently placed in classrooms to give students a better idea...