The Xenomorph and Ellen Ripley from the 1979 horror classic “Alien” are coming to Dead By Daylight as the newest licensed killer survivor combo. These additions add a nice breath of fresh air for Dead By Daylight because the most recent content has gotten mixed reactions from the community. With The Skull Merchant being disliked by most of the community because of her abilities to make the game insufferable, the singularity has an interesting power but still leaves a lot to be desired, although Nick Cage is almost universally loved. The Xenomorph is here and is a welcomed addition to the game with a new interesting power and map that changes up the gameplay in very interesting ways.
The Xenomorph has a similar power to the now-discontinued Demogorgon, being able to travel quickly around the map using tunnels, unlike the Demogorgon, the Xenomorph can’t create its portals but it has to use tunnels that are already set up on the map. While moving through the tunnels the Xenomorph charges its devastating ranged tail attack. Survivors can stop the tail attack by placing a flamethrower turret that depletes the tail’s charge allowing for more strategic and active gameplay on the survivor’s side. The Xenomorph’s new perks Rapid Brutality, Ultimate Weapon, and Alien Instinct are very interesting. Rapid brutality especially can change how survivors will have to approach chases. The power removes the killer’s Bloodlust power which gives a speed boost after 15 seconds of chase and replaces it so that after you hit a survivor the killer gets 5% haste for 10 seconds. The next perk Alien Instinct makes the survivor furthest from you oblivious after unhooking another survivor. Finally, Ultimate Weapon allows you to open a locker that will make survivors scream and blind themselves when they are in your terror radius.
While the game doesn’t have Sigourney Weaver’s likeness she still has some fun perks with Chemical Trap, Light Footed, and Lucky Star. The perk chemical trap is especially interesting because it acts almost like Jill Valentine’s Blast mine trap but instead of putting a flash bang on a generator, it allows you to place a trap that slows down the killer after breaking a pallet. Her next power Light Footed suppresses your footstep sounds utill fast vaulting which puts the power on a 30-second cool down. And finally, Lucky Star suppresses grunts and blood pools for 30 seconds after opening a locker.
The Xenomorph’s story in Dead By Daylight takes place right after the end of the first movie with the Xenomorph getting pulled into the Entity realm after being shot into space by Ellen Ripley.
The alien also comes with a brand new map The Nostromos that has a few changes that aren’t just cosmetic. The map includes a coolant vent that can be used to freeze and slow down the killer which is interesting because no other map has anything quite like it.
Overall the Alien chapter looks like a breath of fresh air for Dead By Daylight and its community.